James J. Hogan
James J. Hogan
Dr. James J. Hogan was born in Vallejo in 1872. He received a medical degree from Cooper Medical College in San Francisco and established a physician practice in Vallejo in 1892. He opened Vallejo's first hospital in 1912 at the corner of Virginia Street and Sonoma Boulevard. He died in Vallejo in 1942. Photo courtesy of Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum.
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Visit the FamilySearch Center in Oakland
Thursday, August 1
Visit the FamilySearch Center in Oakland  (Field Trip)
10:45 am
FamilySearch Center 4766 Lincoln Ave, Oakland, CA
Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia will be going on a special field trip for a tour of the FamilySearch Center in Oakland on Thursday, August 1st 2024. 
The tour begins at 10:45 am,  If you want to carpool, we will meet at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum in the back parking lot to drive to the Center at 10:00 am. 
If you let our President John Watson (Genealogyguy94590@gmail.com) know you want to car pool --- we will be on the lookout for you.
The Oakland (California) Regional FamilySearch Center is one of the largest and most accessible centers for genealogical research in California, with over 9,000 volumes of books, periodicals, family histories, city and county histories, city directories, plus over 37,000 reels of microfilm and 9,000 microfiche containing millions of local vital records and historical census data from all over the world.

The Oakland FamilySearch Center is a free community resource  and everyone is welcome to come and use it.  They have well-trained, kind, and helpful volunteers who are eager to assist you in achieving your family history goals.

The FamilySearch Center is extremely well equipped, with 60 computers with printer access; copiers, 10 microfilm readers, 2 microfiche readers, 3 mircorfiche/film scanners, and a flatbed scanner.

Within the Center is an area with a computer, scanner, printer and software to assist in the scanning of photos and transfer to your flash drive or DVD; scan slides or negatives and transfer them to your flash drive or DVD, convert your photo files back and forth from gif, tiff, jpg or other sources.

Please advise us by email at Genealogyguy94590@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

Finding the Hardest Ones, Part 1
Thursday, September 5
Finding the Hardest Ones, Part 1  (Speaker Series)
1:30 pm
ZOOM Presentation
The Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia's Thursday September 5, 2024 meeting featured speaker is James M. Baker, PhD. His topic is "Finding the Hardest Ones
Mr. Baker will use Case studies to illustrate and discuss his seven strategies to find the most challenging data: (1) collaborating with other genealogists; (2) search engine research; (3) digging in giant tomes; (4) checking property/tax records; (5) broadening the search; (6) performing on-site research; and (7) analyzing DNA evidence.
This is Part 1 of a two-part presentation. Part 2 will be at next month’s meeting on Thursday October 3.
Mr. Baker has been an active genealogist for over 15 years. He specializes in German, Midwest US, early American research, and DNA. He has written articles for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Magazine, the NGS Quarterly, and Der Blumenbaum, the journal of the Sacramento German Genealogy Society. He has presented classes and webinars to many genealogy groups including National Genealogical Society, Southern California Jamboree, and Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Mr. Baker earned a PhD in sociology and social psychology from the University of Utah. He is retired from an aerospace and business management career.
GSVB Members will automatically receive a Zoom invitation that will be sent out a couple of days before the meeting. 
Non-Members: If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to GSVBzoom@gmail.com to request a Zoom invitation. 
The Zoom meeting time is at 1:30 pm Pacific Time. The event is FREE.  All are welcome.

Finding the Hardest Ones, Part 2
Thursday, October 3
Finding the Hardest Ones, Part 2  (Speaker Series)
1:30 pm
ZOOM Presentation
The Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia's Thursday October 3, 2024 meeting featured speaker is James M. Baker, PhD. His topic is "Finding the Hardest Ones, Part 2
This is Part 2 of a two-part presentation.
Mr. Baker will use Case studies to show problem solving methods where key data are missing – without embarking on new research – by analyzing data such as naming patterns, birth/marriage witness data, inheritance data, sibling data, timelines, family migrations, and other data already in your database.
Part 1 was done at our September Meeting. A recording of that presentation will be available by request until our October meeting by sending an email to GSVBzoom@gmail.com .
Mr. Baker has been an active genealogist for over 15 years. He specializes in German, Midwest US, early American research, and DNA. He has written articles for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Magazine, the NGS Quarterly, and Der Blumenbaum, the journal of the Sacramento German Genealogy Society. He has presented classes and webinars to many genealogy groups including National Genealogical Society, Southern California Jamboree, and Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Mr. Baker earned a PhD in sociology and social psychology from the University of Utah. He is retired from an aerospace and business management career.
GSVB Members will automatically receive a Zoom invitation that will be sent out a couple of days before the meeting. 
Non-Members: If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to GSVBzoom@gmail.com to request a Zoom invitation. 
The Zoom meeting time is at 1:30 pm Pacific Time. The event is FREE.  All are welcome.