Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson
Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson
When Wallis (1896 - 1986) was married to her first husband, career Navy officer Earl Winfield “Win” Spencer Jr., they had a brief stay of approximately six weeks in Vallejo during the summer of 1920. Spencer’s ship was docked at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard at the time. Wallis and Win stayed in the Collins Apartments, now called the Duchess of Windsor Apartments, at 524 Georgia Street. The apartment building was given this name because of Wallis' title after marrying her third husband, the Duke of Windsor. "David" (as he was called by friends and family) ruled the United Kingdom very briefly as King Edward VIII before giving up the crown for the woman he loved. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia

The Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia (GSVB) serves our communities as we research worldwide.  GSVB is here and happy to help you find your ancestors!  We are an organization member of the National Genealogical Society. Visit the NGS website at






Operating Year: January - December 2024

President: John M. Watson
Vice President: Joei Correia Flannery
Treasurer: Rosemary Johnson
Secretary: Cheryl Watson
Librarian / Researcher: John M. Watson
Public Relations: Ruth Anne Goos Halligan
Public Relations: Carol-Anne Tucker-Watt
Board Members
Newsletter Editor: Christine Dunn
Publicity: Jeff Solomon
Membership Chairperson: Jeff Solomon
Librarian / Researcher: John M. Watson
Library Assistant: Vacant
Fundraising Chairperson: Judy Herkins
Facebook Manager: Ruth Anne Goos Halligan
Hospitality: Pat Innes
Mistress of the Web: Carol-Anne Tucker-Watt
Mistress of the Web: Ruth Anne Goos Halligan
Master of the Web: Jeff Solomon

Meeting Information

The Genealogy Society of Vallejo-Benicia meets the 1st Thursday of each month at:
Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum   
734 Marin Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
Currently, meetings begin at 1:30 pm Pacific Time unless otherwise denoted.  Some meetings are in person while others are on ZOOM only.  Please check individual event listing for time and place.