Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson
Bessie Wallis Warfield Spencer Simpson
When Wallis (1896 - 1986) was married to her first husband, career Navy officer Earl Winfield “Win” Spencer Jr., they had a brief stay of approximately six weeks in Vallejo during the summer of 1920. Spencer’s ship was docked at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard at the time. Wallis and Win stayed in the Collins Apartments, now called the Duchess of Windsor Apartments, at 524 Georgia Street. The apartment building was given this name because of Wallis' title after marrying her third husband, the Duke of Windsor. "David" (as he was called by friends and family) ruled the United Kingdom very briefly as King Edward VIII before giving up the crown for the woman he loved. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Member Benefits

Our monthly newletter, Taproot, is mailed electronically to members in good standing.  It is also available in the "members only" section of this website.  It contains details on meeting programs locally and nearby, family stories of members, selected research items, and more.
Reference Library: 
Located at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum in Room 9 on the 2nd floor (enter through Room 10).  Open on 2nd Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm and every Tuesday afternoon from 12:00 noon to 3:30 pm for individual research and discussion. NEW! Our research library will now be open on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 12 noon to 3:30 pm in addition to the abovementioned hours starting January 7th, 2023!
Program Meetings:
Regular programs are scheduled on the 1st Thursday of every month at 1:30 pm.  Sometimes a guest speaker is featured, sometimes an informal group discussion on a selected topic, sometimes a DVD viewing followed by a group discussion. Some of our meetings are held in person while others are on Zoom only.  Please check individual listings for details. 
Field Trips:
Once or twice a year a field trip may be scheduled for those interested in visiting nearby repositories of historical or genealogical interest. 
And learning from each other ...