Luther E. Gibson
Luther E. Gibson
Luther Gibson (1894-1988) earned the title of Senator for his 18 years of service in the California State Senate from 1949 to 1966, as Solano County’s representative. He was a Democrat from Vallejo and represented the 15th District. Photo courtesy of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum.
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Finding the Women in Our History
Thursday, March 6
Finding the Women in Our History  (Speaker Series)
1:30 pm
ZOOM Presentation
Our speaker is Candice Buchanan. The topic is “Finding the Women in Our History”.
Ms. Buchanan is a reference librarian at the Library of Congress, specializing in Local History and Genealogy.
Prior to joining the Library, she worked as a genealogist and archivist for Memory Medallion, Inc.,, and the Orphans’ Court at the Greene County, Pennsylvania Courthouse.
  • She wii delve into the past with the women from your local history and family trees. Understand the challenges involved in uncovering their stories. Celebrate the details, big and small, that records reveal about their lives, families and communities. Through a series of case studies, we will see how the usual genealogy go-to records contain clues that reveal research leads.
  • We will also see how studying the men in women's lives unlocks doors to their own details. Also, we will explore how historical context sets the scene for understanding the circumstances that influenced the choices and stories of our female ancestors.
  • Maggie Thompson was born in Pennsylvania, prior to the Civil War. When a Library genealogist came upon her personal photo album, clues led to Library collections, the National Archives, local history and more — all coming together to reveal details about this female ancestor’s life. Her story is an example of what you might discover about past generations from your own family and community.
  • GSVB Members will automatically receive a Zoom invitation that will be sent out a couple of days before the meeting.
  • Non-Members: If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to to request a Zoom invitation. 
  • The Zoom meeting time is at 1:30 pm Pacific Time. The event is FREE.  All are welcome.